Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vocabulary List

1. Benefit : noun , a helpful or good effect, There is a good benefit to be had from this course.

2. Create : verb, to make something new, especially to invent something,
My dream is to create a new car working by water.

3. Establish : verb, to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time, Dubai government wants to establish a metro.

4. Method :noun, a particular way of doing something, I like Mary’s method in the class.

5. Laborers: noun, practical works, doing physical labors, There are many laborers in Al Masood Company.

6. Restrict: verb, to keep within certain limit, There are restrictions on flights from UK airports because of volcanic ash in Iceland.

7. Compute: verb, to calculate, I taught my young brother how to compute money.

8. Assess: verb, estimating the value or chances of something, Can you assess my grade in this course?

9. Acquire: verb, to obtain or have something by hard work, I acquired a new skill from driving in the desert.

10. Context: noun, something written or said after a word which affects its meaning, I understand the meaning from the context of the talk.

11. Distinction: adjective, something shown or visible and noticed, I hope to get a distinction in the course.

12. Strategy: noun, The art of planning in wars for military, The DOT have a new strategy in Abu Dhabi.

13. Interpret: verb, translating languages, He is German and speaks no Japanese. She is Japanese and speaks no German. They need someone to interpret if they are going to communicate.

14. Institute: noun, an organization or a building for the organization, I was studying in the petroleum institute.

15. Feature: noun, a typical quality or an important part of something, My friends have a lot of features like honesty.

16. Region: noun, a particular area or part of the world, I was living in this region for two years.

17. Injure: verb, to hurt or cause physical harm to a person or animal, I played soccer and I have now injured my foot.

18. Ensure: verb, to make something certain to happen, To ensure your safety, follow the correct workshop procedure.

19. Primary: adjective, a more important than anything else, I was studying in this primary school.

20. Culture, noun, the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, I don’t hear about USA culture.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Essay Project

I remember that one time I saw a documentary program on T.V about air pollution. I recognize that the world has a serious problem which will affect our environment as well as our life. Nowadays there are many real examples of air pollution and it is the biggest issue that the earth is facing. It is an important problem along with global warming, climate change and the ozone layer hole (www.atm). Here is a glance at the causes of air pollution and how it can affect us with some effective possible solutions.

Air pollution is a percentage of carbon dioxide(CO2) that is in the air which can affect all kinds of environmental life on the earth such as organisms and plants. In addition it has several natural causes like volcanoes and forest fires. Unfortunately it can be caused by human activities such as generating electricity, sprays, smoking cigarettes and riding a car which can produce a lot of carbon dioxide gas.

Also global warming has lots of negative effects which can damage our planet. The first effect is change of climate during the seasons of the year like in winter you can feel the increase of degree and feeling cold. The second important effect is the water level in the world and oceans are increasing which means sinking of the countries; it is hard to believed but it is true and some of the islands in the world already disappeared.
The ozone layer hole is caused by CO2 because it will damage the layer during some natural reactions in the weak oxygen. The human health effects of the ozone layer caused by the harmful radiation from the sun light are to get illnesses like cancer and breathing diseases ( So I propose to change our mind and open our eyes to the reality because there is no other solution.

The solution is to save the environment by reducing the use of carbon dioxide by using other natural solutions. For example in the generating of electricity industry the governments can replace the huge amount of fossil fuels by using other renewable power energy like solar energy and wind energy ( In addition these kinds of power sources will not affect the environment because they will not produce any harmful gases. In addition the wind energy is more expensive than the solar energy, but on the other hand solar cells need a lot of maintenance because the dust stock on it. In addition the governments should make the people aware by giving them a brief idea about the air pollution.

On the other hand people are responsible for these effects because they are using a lot of carbon dioxide when they drive their own cars to go shopping or go to an work every morning. Also switch off the unused of any electrical device which is not necessary to work. Also people are cutting the main source of oxygen which is the trees.
In my opinion the governments can start to reduce the amount of carbon in the air by working hand in hand with the community. They are completing each other and they both can end these pollution issues by co-operating together.
